3 Natural Remedies To Help Treat And Heal Your Skin Infection
A skin infection can be painful and irritating, especially when you can't visit your doctor immediately for treatment. Here are three natural skin infection treatments you can use at home to provide treatment and relief. Activated Charcoal Poultice One helpful way to treat a skin infection and its associated pain is by creating a poultice made from activated charcoal, raw honey, and some tea tree oil to treat your infection. A mother recently used this to treat an infection on her son's leg caused by the virus, molluscum contagiosum.
5 Reasons to Head to Your Primary-Care Physician Before Seeking Out a Specialist
If you begin to feel ill, where do you head? Many people try to do the initial diagnosis of their disease themselves and head straight for a specialist. For example, if you think you have an STI, you may head to your gynecologist, skipping your primary-care physician. Similarly, if you have a sinus infection, you may look up an ear, nose, throat specialist rather than going to your family doctor. However, there are several reasons why you may want to consult with your primary-care physician instead of jumping straight to a specialist.
How To Cleanse Oily Skin Without Drying It Out
If you have oily skin, then you likely rely on a skin care regimen that helps to reduce as much of this oil as possible, especially when it comes to the buildup on your face. While this is a good solution to make your skin appear beautiful and less shiny, you can easily strip your skin of the oils it needs to remain healthy. This can easily result in the appearance of dry skin.
The Parent's Guide To Helping Your Child Cope With Allergies
When your child sneezes, two thoughts likely might come to mind: 1) Are they sick? or 2) Do they have allergies? If your child continues to sneeze but doesn't otherwise show symptoms of a cold, they are likely suffering from allergies. Here's a quick guide to helping your child cope with their allergies: Know Your Foe When it comes to allergies, understanding what triggers symptoms is the key to coping with them effectively.
Urologists And Men's Reproductive Health
Many men avoid a visit to a urologist because of the ever-present chance that they may undergo a digital prostate exam, which involves a combination of lubricant, anal penetration and awkwardness. Some men will avoid urologists because of the fear of bad news about their reproductive system. This avoidance is counterproductive, and may actually exacerbate any problems that may already exist. Urologists are actually a man's best friend when it comes to reproductive health and issues that may affect the urinary system.