Back Fusion Surgery And Mental Health Problems: What Patients Need To Know
According to the severity and nature of your back pain, a doctor may recommend several treatment options. Medication and physical therapy can often ease the symptoms, but some patients need to have surgery to deal with more serious issues. Spinal fusion surgery is a complex procedure with a relatively long recovery time, and patients may need to deal with different side effects and complications. Learn more about the link between back fusion surgery and mental health, and find out what you need to do to make sure you allow your body and your mind to heal from this complex procedure.
Seven Tools To Amp Up Your Chiropractic Care
If you seek alternative care for musculoskeletal pain or injury, you may find chiropractic manipulation or therapy can help. Your chiropractor may manipulate your affected joints through massage or with the use of various chiropractic tools. You may find these tools to be beneficial when used as a follow-up treatment at home, or at a health care facility. With your doctor's approval, you might want to consider using the following tools to complement your treatment:
Early Tooth Loss: How To Care For A Stuck Baby Tooth
When your child loses a baby tooth prematurely to bad cavities, it can cause problems in how well his or her big kid tooth erupts later on. It may be even more problematic when a loose baby tooth lying close by the empty tooth socket moves into it and gets stuck. As the adult tooth inside the empty socket begins to erupt to take the place of the tooth lost to decay, it triggers a host of problems for your child, including pain and infection.
Suffering From Vertigo? 3 Proven Treatment Options
An estimated 2.4 million adults suffer from dizziness, also known as vertigo, on a regular basis. Many others experience this unsettling problem occasionally. If you're dealing with this life altering condition, consider the following 3 proven treatment options. Half Somersault Maneuver If you're battling bouts of dizziness, the odds are good that you have benign paroxysmal positional vertigo, commonly known as BPPV. Besides dizziness, this leading source of vertigo can cause:
Arthritis, Alcohol And Smoking - A Lethal Combination
Having a few glasses of wine or beers with your friends isn't necessarily a bad thing; however, you should keep an eye on how much you are drinking as excessive consumption could eventually worsen your arthritis. Additionally, the effect of smoking on your musco-skeletal system can sometimes be lost among all of the dangers of smoking, but again smoking too many cigarettes can be detrimental to your condition. One Drink Too Many